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shortwave bands are dead, no sunspots, maunder minimum, ice age nigh

apocalypse now ice age shortwave sunspots


get out of the cities and onto the land and hunt yourself a mammoth

Zone Founder

the sun isn’t real.

From: Ryuko at 2018-12-03 19:38:30
the sun isn’t real.
the sun is real, the earth is flat

pic related, it’s the ultimate flatpill

hqdefault (2).jpg

Zone Founder

From: TimeLady Victorious at 2018-12-04 23:42:18

From: Ryuko at 2018-12-03 19:38:30
the sun isn’t real.
the sun is real, the earth is flat

pic related, it’s the ultimate flatpill

hqdefault (2).jpg

this turtle is jewish

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